New Public Management/ eGovernment – happy marriage?

Im in my office at ITU working on an assignment about New Public Management (NPM), being the current governance paradigme of many states. NPM is a notion that the known bureaucratic hierarci has slowed the every decision and, basically that the departements of the government is not efficient enough. The answer to these prayers is NPM, creating a quasi market, by putting great parts of the public sector to be managed by private companies, hens the public sector, being unproductive (not my take), should learn  to manage in a marked oriented way. Many authors (Dunleavy etc.) proclaim this not to be the case, since we are in a Internet age, where new paradigmes are the law of the land. 

Of course my optics are eGovernment, and I will be observing this from that angle, asking if NPM is the right way to make eGovernment. As of today i’ll be looking at interviewing a few with knowledge in the area of NPM and eGovernment 

If you have relevant insights on this topic or related, I’ll be pleased to hear from you!!




En mening om “New Public Management/ eGovernment – happy marriage?

  1. Hey Michael
    Just a small input concerning interviews. Maybe Kim Viborg Andersen, Professor from CBS, would be relevant to talk to. He has definitely talked a lot about NPM and eGovernment during our classes in “Public Sector Process Rebuilding” (also at CBS). I know that he does research within the field of eGovernment – we also interviewed him yesterday, however the topic was more related to IT-governance.
    See ya,

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